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The Assembly

The Assembly faction specializes in using the Imagination Nexus and the power of creation against the Maelstrom. They are led by Albert Overbuild.

Albert never was an extraordinary man, nor one particularly famous, but his life would take a turn as soon as he received the message of the Mythran about the lost planet of Crux.

Now with the mission of travelling through the vast emptiness of space to find this forgotten world, Albert would find himself in a place he would have never expected. It would be an ardous journey, but with the company of his long time friend Ian Typhonus, space captain Hael Storm and knight general Duke Exeter, Doctor Overbuild believes in their success at the end of the journey accross the universe.


Amanda's life was always normal, going through anything any regular teenager of her age would. But eventually, she and her uncle Meldric traveled to Crux after he enlisted on the waves of settlement on the planet.
Even then, Autumn believed on a sense of normality that would never change, at least until something would change her life completely. She now finds herself with a duty she would have never expected to be hers in the first place.
Perhaps, the whole world depends on her.


Doctor Willem Mardolf is an inventor from the northern land of Emlyaskiy. He is highly praised for his various and creative constructions by fellow researchers and engineers, and even in other places from outside his country.
Mardolf "the Orange" as he is dubbed, believes in science and logic, maybe even so as to consider technology the true magic of the world (Which makes his choice of attire ever more amusing to the younger members of the Force). But regardless of anything, his abilities are never underestimated by fellow members of the Assembly.


Roland Steele was a demolitions expert back in Aurum, but was also highly knowledgeable on different engineering fields. These skills soon proven to be useful when he enlisted on the first waves of settlement on Crux, in order to design and construct buildings and shelters for the inhabitants of the colonies.
However, when the need arises, Rusty can quickly go back to his roots once again and demolish anything that stands in the way of his beloved friends.


Meldric "Steamvalve" Stevenson is a joyful and positive man, always expecting the best for himself and those who he cares about. In particular, his beloved niece, Autumn.
Without a father to take care of her, Meldric soon became the closest figure she could have, and both had no problem with that.
Always by her side, Meldric would give anything to see Autumn have the life she always wanted.


Lena "Meteorshot" Malakoff was born on Emlyaskiy and soon grew to become the owner of a small mechanics manufacturer alongside her younger brother after their father passed away.
Believing they could do much more, they always sought for new ways of not only getting acknowledgement, but also improvement and honoring the name of the family.
As soon as the first waves of settlement of Crux started, the two jumped in at the first chance, looking forward to what the future may have.


Some consider Kirsten to just be a lucky shot, which wouldn't be far off, but others can't deny her effectiveness in scouting and marksmanship, two roles that don't generally fit on the same resumé. Swift reflexes, steady hands and an unparalleled speed at pulling the trigger make up the skills of one of the best sharpshooters in the Assembly. And of course, she is never without her trustworthy medical monkey companion, Eeekums. An odd duo most people would say, but always effective.


Augie Ninewells is a man of few words. More the type of person that prefers to say things with actions. Due to this, some even consider him to be "awkward" or "weird", but in reality he simply doesn't talk a lot.
Regardless of that, others can recognize his ability in engineering and in general combat, throwing his wrench as if it was a boomerang.
He is highly effective in the field, especially if alongside fellow members of his team.


Torbert "Oscillator" Octavius was an expert on electricity fields and engineering, owner of a small and humble workshop in his home. Even if he was recognized by very few, he was happy with his creations and the little innovations he would come up with for the neighborhood.
His friends deeply appreciate him and sometimes even admire, and not without a reason. Torbert believes in progress and in the ability of anyone to do whatever they want as long as they dedicate themselves to it. It has worked just fine for him, after all.


PRDX-4, or Dex, was one of many robots designed to protect the colonies of Crux from the recently discovered threats of the Maelstrom. However, this was a plan that backfired completely when every single unit fell in battle.
Due to a malfunction during the mass takeover, Unit #004 was the only one to survive, effectively becoming the last of them all.
Based on this, Albert Overbuild decided to apply heavy upgrades on his equipment and system in order to continue supporting the Nexus Force, which in turn gave him a higher understanding of life. Now, Dex is ready to take on the Maelstrom with heavy firepower and ever-sarcastic remarks.


Naomi Edison is a member of the Assembly faction.

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