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The Story


Traversing the reaches of space and time, four explorers were brought together in their search for a unique and precious element.


Together, they roamed the darkest corners of the universe until one fateful day, they arrived at a most unusual world, the fabled planet Crux. Detecting a powerful source of energy, the four explorers were jubilant! They had finally found what they were looking for.


They quickly descended upon an ancient temple, a relic of mythical beings of old. Inside was the Imagination Nexus, the long-lost source of pure imagination. Legend told that the Imagination Nexus contained the power to bring any idea to life. Awed by the possibilities, the explorers dreamt of their most desired creations.


But one amongst them was more chaotic in thought and imagined something very different indeed.


His foolhardy attempt to control creation through destruction nearly created chaos … and creatures of chaos have no masters. Corrupted, the Imagination Nexus mutated into a powerful, destructive, maelstrom. The remaining explorers were forced to battle for their lives.


Shaken to its core and unable to contain such an immense and chaotic power, Planet Crux exploded into countless smaller worlds.


Realizing they needed to restore and protect the universe, the explorers sent out a signal, a call to all people to use their creative powers and save the Nexus.


That's where our story begins ...


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