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The Crew

The Voice Actors

Allison: Allison Rose has been voice acting professionally for just over one year. She started out lending her voice to small projects headed by friends and family, including the brickfilm fan-series Star Trek: Talmidon, where she played various supporting characters. Her voice over skills include impressions, narration, and character acting. When she isn’t voice acting in her “home studio,” she also enjoys writing, cosplay, and playing guitar. (She also does homework, but she doesn’t enjoy that quite as much.) She's very excited to be a part of the Our Universe family, and tends to be involved with "whatever shenanigans the crew comes up with."


Allison's Portfolio



Lucas, aka Shade2800Voices PRDX-4 and Brick Fury.

Micah, aka MekaX: Micah Sabo, or more notably known as MekaX1337 is known for his voice acting in Roblox, Bionicle, and Live Action videos on youtube. When he isn't working on voice acting or cleaning dishes, Micah plays Rocket League as well as help in Roblox game design. Micah has been known to be a "class clown" of sorts to be entertaining to those around him. Which has led to ALOT of shenanigans in EVERY meeting that the crew has had. He voices ED-902 and other regular stromlings.




Chris MajorAs a former Assembly-faction player in LU (and he will take the time to remind everyone how great a faction it is), Chris is excited to watch the OU project develop and grow. He provides voices for characters like Dr. Overbuild, Trek Furino, and Admiral Flogmore, as well as handling social media outreach for the team. His side projects in the Lego community include brickfilming under Gold Brick Productions, a channel on YouTube. Chris is also a Producer at The Plastic Fist, a host for the Frame100 Podcast, a moderator at Brick à Brack, and an active member of Bricks in Motion.


Gold Brick Productions


WakeUpAlanWakeUpAlan might be better known by some as Aagerds, the name he used while making BIONICLE stop motion films for his channel on YouTube. While he no longer makes stop motion skits and movies, he still enjoys voice acting for various users (such as IDS5621 and BionicleNP // Noah Productions), writing fiction, horseback riding, and editing his friend’s scripts (when they ask of course). His favorite Lego themes are BIONICLE G1, Exo-Force, and Knight’s Kingdom (basically anything that has been abruptly cancelled by Lego, go figure). He voices Wisp Lee and Echs Ray.




ArragonTheBoldVoices Johnny Thunder, Mardolf the Orange, and Numb Chuck.

MasterOshawott: "MasterOshawott is a organic Minifig from an interdiminsinal worm hole disguised as your average McDonald's worker. She is currently plotting world domination from her secret Ninjagan garage. In her spare time she does digital art as well as help with voice acting in Our Universe." She voices Vapor Overcast and Autumn Helix.




TheSprintingCoywolfVoices Sky Lane.

GoblinProductionsVoices Lord Bricksbane.

Figroth, aka fffffplayer1Figroth is a writer, novice 3D animator and nutjob of all trades (don't tell him I called him that). Although a general LEGO (there I capitalised it, you happy?) fan, he loves Lego Universe and its story most of all. Thusly, it is no wonder he's been writing LU stories for a long time, either on his own or along with his fellow Knights of the Olde Speech. What? You want to know more about him? You just can't get enough of this, can you? Well, I like trains! What you say? Oh yes. I switched to first person. It's because it has been me writing all along. What do you mean I'm abusing the bio section? What do you mean you never said anything and I'm talking to myself? What do you mean I should stop saying "What do you mean?". Fine! I'll stop. (Also he voices Baron Typhonus)


Figroth's Blog


Ewantree11: While Ewan has not played Lego Universe, he is an avid fan of it and the lore behind it. His favorite themes are Bionicle (both G1 and G2), as well as Hero Factory. He is a laid back constraction MOCist, and has several of his own Bionicle creations. Currently he is in a hiatus with his Bionicle stop motion videos, while he works on other projects. He voices Talli Reeko and Gull Rawstew.




Perry, aka P.W.A man of many names, P.W. is an avid fan of the original LEGO Universe MMO, having taken part in the beta as well as the finished game. After the sudden closure of the game, he found he simply could not let go of the lore and story of it. This lead him online, where he met many others who also didn't want the game to be forgotten. When he is not recording lines for OU, he can commonly be found chatting or writing with his long-time friends, the 'Knights of the Olde Speech'. He voices Sanebar the Mythran and Epsilon Starcracker. 


Knights of the Olde Speech



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The original creator of the Our Universe project, Javier Hernandez came up with the idea of "recreating" the story of LEGO Universe back in 2011. Having grown up with the stories The LEGO Group created, such as Bionicle and others, BobBricks became fond of the originality of the franchise and soon started to see beyond the toys, telling the story behind it all. 


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Considered to be the Loremaster of the group, Joshua Deck is the main creator of the Legoverse - the extended universe in which Our Universe takes place. He started working on it back in 2014, where he met Javier and was eventually introduced to the Our Universe Project. While he is a fan of Lego system as a whole, as shown by his numerous lineups drawings, his favorite theme is Ultra Agents. 

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